Exploring the Mystical World of Mantra Yoga

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just curious about different wellness practices, you've likely delved into the world of mantras or 'affirmations'. These practices, often integral to yoga and meditation, involve the repetition of powerful, sacred words or sounds to inspire and centre the mind. They serve as a tool for inner connection, helping us focus our thoughts, cultivate inner peace, and connect deeply with our intentions.

What is Mantra Yoga?

Mantra Yoga is an ancient form of yoga that focuses on the power of sound and vibration. The word 'Mantra' in Sanskrit means a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, or a group of words used as a tool or instrument for the mind.

In Sanskrit, manas (mind) =tra (tool or instrument) = mantra, a tool for the mind.

Like yogasana works with the body, mantra works directly with the mind. Many modern yoga practitioners are expanding the broader definition of yoga into a complete science that addresses all levels of our being. 

So, if you've already felt the incredible benefits of movement for your body, imagine what a dedicated mantra practice can do for the mind!

Repeating mantras can dissolve habitual thought patterns and establish beneficial new ones that help direct us towards focus, direction, awakening, and alignment with our authentic selves. Imagine if you had a transcript of your thoughts for 24 hours. Yikes! How many of those would be beneficial, knowing that thoughts create the movie script for our lives? And what if there was a tried and true remedy for these pesky wandering thoughts?

Enter the magic of sound and vibration:

In Mantra Yoga, sound is not just heard but felt and experienced. Each sound vibration aligns with archetypal energies in the universe and within ourselves. When we chant these mantras, we tune into these cosmic vibrations, aligning our energy with the universe.

Why Sanskrit?

While mantras can be written in any language ( such as ‘I am worthy of abundance’), they simply lack the esoteric power of Sanskrit.

‘When Sanskrit is called the universal language or the language of the gods, it is not a mere exaggeration. Sanskrit reflects the primal sounds of creation. The sounds are embodied in the letters'

-Dr David Frawley.

Specific mouth and tongue placements stimulate neural pathways when we chant in Sanskrit. So, we don't need to understand the meaning to feel its power. The vibration of the word IS the meaning (or vibrational pattern).

Between the pulsing sound of the mantra and the return to silence, we can return to the stillness of our greatest potential from the inside out. As we work with mantra we are consciously and systematically changing the vibration of the mind. Creating new karma in it’s action from thought to word to action. Mantra is the ultimate law of attraction!!

Want to experience more? Join me for the next 40- Day Online mantra immersion, "Removing Unseen Obstacles", here:

Read more on Mantra Meditation for beginners here:


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