Finding my anchor: How mantra saved my life.

The turbulent chaos that can overwhelm our lives:

Not too long ago, I was in the throes of such chaos. The pandemic, personal relationship breakdown & financial instability all bundled in one big torrent. This constant deluge of responsibilities, personal dilemmas, and the incessant noise of the world ( especially my inner nagging voice) threatened to drown me. The weight of it all felt unbearable, and I felt untethered and adrift in a sea of overwhelm.

And then…

You know the saying: the teacher appears when you are ready. First a whisper and then a thud - I found myself in a teacher training with Heart of Sound. Honestly, I can’t even recall how I found my way there. (Maybe, just maybe mantra found me!!)

Like all beautiful homecomings, there were tears of remembering, the grief of letting go and sweet joy of having a constant inner guide helping me remove obstacles and seal leaks of all kinds.

Hello Mantra my old friend:) Oh, how it’s good to be with you !!

Rather than escape routes I had relied on in the past mantra was a tool for transformation that allowed me to stand in the eye of the storm. It taught me to find my centre.

With every repetition, not only did I make these ancient sounds, but I felt them. Their vibrations began to dance within, creating ripples of calm in my nervous system. This wasn’t just a string of syllables, it was a warm sonic hug from a bestie.

And they whispered in my ear: ‘Here you are alive with it All and you’re welcome..’ wowsies.

It was an elixir for my frayed nerves, a balm for my turbulent thoughts.

And it wasn’t just an intellectual exercise; it was a visceral experience. The more I engaged with this sacred sound, the more I felt an unshakable stability and flow coursing through me.

And it saved my life…really.

Roll forward a few years…

Externally, this newfound stability was and is evident. Life has become not just manageable, but it flowing with grace. Relationships moved to a new level of harmony, and challenges transformed into stepping stones.

I flourished and my world blossomed - in all areas.

There were magical gaps between my thoughts.

I became more resilient, not because the world around me changed, but because I had found a grounding force within.

Mantra did all this and more for me. It wasn't a magic spell, but a sound, a frequency, that I could come home to rest in.

If you’ve ever found yourself on the precipice of overwhelm, I extend this warm invitation: delve into the world of Sanskrit mantras. Let their age-old vibrations guide you, as they did for me, from disarray to serenity, from instability to the profound steadiness that is our birthright.

Natalie x


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Mantra meditation is like gardening for the mind