Mantra meditation is like gardening for the mind

If you’ve ever delighted in growing your own food and eating from your garden - you just might love mantra meditation. Tending to the precious seeds, watering them with love and attention is the very same as tending to the garden of the mind.

Instead of planting flowers or veggies, sowing seeds of vibrational medicine in the fertile soil of the consciousness. With gentle & regular repetition, it’s like watering the seedings until they grow into seedlings. From seedlings into a lush garden, crowding out the weeds of negativity and leaving a peaceful, clear mental space.

Much like homegrown produce provides your body with pure, unadulterated nourishment, mantra meditation feeds your mind with wholesome, positive energy. It's like serving up a mental feast of good thoughts. The act of chanting a mantra helps cleanse your mind of clutter and negativity, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, much like a healthy, home-cooked meal.

Mindful Harvesting of Thoughts

When you pick vegetables or fruits from your garden, you do so thoughtfully, taking what's ripe and leaving the rest to flourish. Mantra meditation teaches you to be just as mindful of your thoughts and emotions. You learn to spot negative patterns and choose to let them go, much like you select only the juiciest fruits from your garden. This mindfulness practice can lead to greater emotional balance and self-awareness.

So gardening and mantra meditation are probably the two most sustainable practices you can have in an ever-changing world to bring more harmony from the inside out!

Want to experience it for yourself:

Join the next 40-day immersion - Removing Unseen Obstacles here:


Finding my anchor: How mantra saved my life.


Starting a Mantra Practice