Starting a Mantra Practice

Want to start a meditation practice but have one of those minds that just can't be still? Mantra meditation can be a game changer as it gives the mind something to engage in and feel supported by the sound and repetition of the words. And, the effects can be almost immediate.

Here's how to begin:

Find a mantra teacher who can guide you through the nuanced pronunciation for the full effects to blossom. A māla or set of 108 prayer beads are handy for counting the recitations.

  1. Find a quiet place to practice where you can sit comfortably. You might lie to create a special corner in your home. Feel free to embellish with a candle or some flowers or look out a window to nature.

  2. Sit down cross-legged or on a chair with your spine erect and the crown of your head directly above your tailbone. Let your jaw and shoulders relax, belly is soft.

  3. Allow your breath to slow and deepen.

  4. Have an intention to earnestly ‘feel' the mantra rather than mechanical or automatic repetition. Use soft focus with sweetness, tenderness and openness. Invite the energy and meaning of the mantra to unfold within.

  5. Begin repeating your mantra out loud, in a soft voice, or silently. Let your attention rest with the mouth and tongue positions, and listen to your own sound.

  6. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the mantra without judging yourself.

  7. At the end of your practice, savour the silence for at least 2-3 minutes.

  8. Throughout your day, remember your mantra and repeat it mentally when needed.

  9. Try mantra meditation every day for 40 days and experience the benefits for yourself!

Want more? Join the 40-day online mantra immersion here:


Mantra meditation is like gardening for the mind


Ayurveda & Autumn