Color Therapy in Ayurveda

Color has been known to have some of the most powerful effects on our minds and body. Color contains the energy of the Sun, the life-restoring force of nature. We’ve all felt the immediate calm by being surrounded by lush green foliage or the golden hues of the sunset. Hence, color, as well as music and fragrance, are the efficient modes of nature to connect with our subconscious core. Light and Color have an effect on the total energetic system of the body & mind.

So having a clear vision is very important according to Ayurveda - sunlight in particular. That’s why part of returning to our own deep capacity to heal ourselves is regulated by harnessing the power of the Sun & syncing our body clock to sunrise & sunset ( see more here on Agnihotra) . Simply waking before sunrise & becoming aware of the moment of sunset can have a profound effect on our wellbeing.. And… sunlight is an expression of seven rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These seven rainbow colors are nothing but cosmic solar energy. Cosmic vibrations with different frequencies!!

When we look at the tree's green leaves nothing is green. It is the vibration of prana coming with the particles of light that touches the retina. And when you meet with that consciousness, you are consciousness seeing the green!.

So how are specific colors used in therapy?

  • Red: Raises blood temperature and stimulates circulation. Red is used to care for people with anemia, fatigue, paralysis, and exhaustion.

  • Blue: Soothes. Blue is used for cases of inflammatory conditions, burns, and bruises. It also helps with eczema, psoriasis, rashes and sores. In addition, blue helps alleviate tension, stress, and problems with the immune system. It is believed to relieve insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, migraines, and skin irritation.

  • Yellow: Used to aid in digestion and liver function. Yellow is thought to have decongestant and antibacterial properties that act as a cleanser for the body. It has been known to help relieve rheumatism and arthritis.

  • Green: Creates balance and harmony within the body. It is especially good for heart and blood problems. It is known to influence the human cell structure and muscles.

  • Orange: Gives vitality to the body and is associated with the kidneys, urinary tract, and reproductive organs.

  • Purple: Associated with the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. It helps with head congestion and sinuses and is known to calm the nervous system.

And what about the different dosha recommendations?

Balancing colors for vatas are warm or calming. Yellows and golds are very pleasing in vata decor. So are white, violet, blue, and deep reds. Avoid bright red—it’s far too stimulating.

Because pittas tend to be hot, they need a cooling environment to stay in balance. Stick with soft, pastel colors to soothe away tensions. Blues and greens are particularly beneficial, as are pinks and roses.

Kapha needs the stimulation of bright, hot colors. Pick up the energy level with reds and oranges.

I recently installed chromotherapy lamps in the studio for added benefits when you come for a session. Let’s see what colors really light you up !

Read more studies here :




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